of applause 意味

  • ドッと起こる喝采


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. give them a round of applause , as they go back to their seats .
  2. let's have a nice , big round of applause for melinda .
    大きな拍手喝采を メリンダに
  3. have a nice , big round of applause for linda .
    リンダに喝采を お願いします... さぁ!
  4. okay ! great move lady ! a round of applause !
    アハハハ OK! いいね おばさん はい 拍手!
  5. give marcus a round of applause , ladies and gentlemen .
    みなさん、 マーカスに祝福を



  1. "of animal origin" 意味
  2. "of another color" 意味
  3. "of antiquity" 意味
  4. "of any form" 意味
  5. "of any help" 意味
  6. "of arachnoidal origin" 意味
  7. "of archeological importance" 意味
  8. "of aristocratic lineage" 意味
  9. "of aristocratic origin" 意味
  10. "of any form" 意味
  11. "of any help" 意味
  12. "of arachnoidal origin" 意味
  13. "of archeological importance" 意味

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