- 《be ~》(人)が困難{こんなん}な時局{じきょく}に立ち向かうに当たって役に立つ
of assistance to someone at this difficult time 意味
- "of aristocratic lineage" 意味
- "of aristocratic origin" 意味
- "of assistance" 意味
- "of assistance in someone's consideration of" 意味
- "of assistance to" 意味
- "of assistance to someone in some other way" 意味
- "of authority" 意味
- "of average height and weight" 意味
- "of average quality" 意味
- "of assistance in someone's consideration of" 意味
- "of assistance to" 意味
- "of assistance to someone in some other way" 意味
- "of authority" 意味