on a certain day 意味

  • ある日


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. on a certain day after some days .
    何日かした ある日
  2. on a certain day he was involved in an accident after he went home from club activities .
    ある日 あいつ 部活帰りに事故ってさ
  3. when emperor hanazono came to know that myocho was in the group of beggars , he instructed a government officer to post a notice stating that oriental melons would be given to beggars free of charge on a certain day .
  4. as he disliked a special memorial service for himself , he hoped his memorial service would be conducted on a certain day during the 8-day memorial service conducted on the anniversary of dogen ' s death and his hope was realized .
  5. corresponding to the japanese custom of performing a memorial service for the deceased on a certain day after death , a ceremony called ' anniversary of death ' is sometimes held where a mass and prayers are performed for the deceased .


        certain day:    certain day 某日 ぼうじつ
        as certain as day and night:    明々白々で
        at certain times of a day:    一日{いちにち}のある時間帯{じかんたい}に
        certain as day and night:    
        until a certain day:    ある決まった日までは、期日{きじつ}までは
        need a certain number of calories per day:    一日当たり一定{いってい}のカロリーを必要{ひつよう}とする
        a certain:    a certain 然る しかる さる
        a certain...:    a certain... 或 或る ある
        certain:     certain adj. 確かな; 確信している. 【副詞】 be absolutely certain 絶対的に確かだ It is absolutely certain that…. …はまったく確かなことである Are you absolutely certain? そう断言できるのか I'm almost certain I can a
        certain of:    《be ~》~を確信{かくしん}している She is certain of victory in the next presidential election. 次回の大統領選では勝利すると彼女は確信している。
        certain to:    《be ~》きっと~する、~するに決まっている This proposal is certain to be accepted by everyone. その提案は、必ず皆に受け入れられるだろう。
        for certain:    for certain 違いない 違い無い ちがいない
        a-day:     A-day {略} : able day 開始予定日、完了予定日
        at that day:    そのころ、現今では
        be not day:     be nót O's dáy ((略式))〈人〉に(運が)ついていない日だ It just wasn't my ~ yesterday. 昨日はまったくついていなかった.


  1. "on a caprice of the moment i took the afternoon off" 意味
  2. "on a career ladder" 意味
  3. "on a cash advance basis" 意味
  4. "on a cash-and-carry basis" 意味
  5. "on a cautious note" 意味
  6. "on a certain occasion" 意味
  7. "on a chain" 意味
  8. "on a charge of" 意味
  9. "on a charge of attempted rape" 意味
  10. "on a cash-and-carry basis" 意味
  11. "on a cautious note" 意味
  12. "on a certain occasion" 意味
  13. "on a chain" 意味

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