on rail 意味

発音を聞く:   on railの例文
  • 貨車渡し、貨物渡し


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. there are some other types of railways controlled by regulations other than the railway business act and the act on rail tracks .
  2. streetcars are governed by the act on rail tracks and many of them are not ' railways ' in a strict sense .
  3. the reason why there are two acts , the railway business act and the act on rail tracks , is that the act on rail tracks mainly covers railways set up on roads .
  4. the reason why there are two acts , the railway business act and the act on rail tracks , is that the act on rail tracks mainly covers railways set up on roads .
  5. moreover , other than types of railways mentioned above , there are some railways constructed on private properties not based on the railway business act and the act on rail tracks .


        a rail:    a rail 軌条 きじょう
        by rail:    貨車で、鉄道(便)で、列車で
        rail:     1rail n. 軌条, レール; 鉄道; 手すり, 横げた. 【動詞+】 clear the rails 鉄道線路の障害物を除去する Passengers must not cross the rails. 乗客は線路を横切ってはいけない The train jumped the rails. 列車が脱線した The engine of t
        rail at:    痛罵する
        rail in:    柵を巡らす
        s rail:    S rail Sレール[機械]
        t rail:    T rail Tレール[土建]
        t-rail:    T-rail 工形軌条[機械]; 平底レール[機械]
        accessory rail:    サイドレール
        altar rail:    祭壇前の手すり、聖体拝領台{せいたい はいりょう だい}
        arch rail:    arch rail アーチけた[機械]〈99E4001:鉄道車両用語〉
        as skinny as a rail:    ガリガリにやせて
        as straight as a rail:    ピンと真っすぐになって
        as thin as a rail:    レールのようにやせた
        batten rail:    水抜き{みずぬき}


  1. "on purpose" 意味
  2. "on purpose or accidentally" 意味
  3. "on purpose to" 意味
  4. "on quarter by quarter basis" 意味
  5. "on queer street" 意味
  6. "on ramp" 意味
  7. "on rampage" 意味
  8. "on rare occasions" 意味
  9. "on ration" 意味
  10. "on quarter by quarter basis" 意味
  11. "on queer street" 意味
  12. "on ramp" 意味
  13. "on rampage" 意味

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