on the firing line 意味

発音を聞く:   on the firing lineの例文
  • 矢面{やおもて}に立って、第一線{だいいっせん}で
    That politician had been on the firing line and almost started to cry. その政治家は非難の矢面に立ち、ほとんど泣きだしそうだった。


  1. it seemed that the offers to the other kugyo were one-sided and sudden , many of them were perplexed by the fact that they might be on the firing line between goshirakawa and yoritomo .


        firing line:    firing line 火線 かせん
        in the firing line:    《be ~》非難{ひなん}の的である
        firing line supervisor:    第一線監督者
        firing:     firing n. 発射; (陶器などの)焼成; 《口語》 解雇. 【動詞+】 He does the firing and hiring around here. 《口語》 ここで解雇と雇用を行なう. 【+動詞】 The firing stopped and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. 砲撃がやんでだれもが安堵(あんど
        on firing:    加熱{かねつ}すると
        aborted firing:    aborted firing 発射停止[航宇]
        accidental firing:    暴発{ぼうはつ}
        alternate firing:    alternate firing 片注ぎ火焚法[機械]; 交互火焚法[機械]
        automatic firing:    自動点火{じどう てんか}
        biscuit firing:    素焼き{すやき}
        cease firing:    発射をやめる、砲火を収める、停戦する、撃ち方やめ! Okay, Bob, cease fire [firing]. Do not fire anymore.
        ceramic firing:    セラミック焼成{しょうせい}
        corner firing:    corner firing ぐう角燃焼[機械]; コーナファイアリング[機械]〈94B0126:火力発電用語―ボイラ及び附属装置〉; タンゼンシャルファイアリング[機械]〈94B0126:火力発電用語―ボイラ及び附属装置〉
        cross firing:    {名} :
        cross-firing:    {名} : 《医》多門[十字火]照射(法)


  1. "on the final stage of a trip" 意味
  2. "on the financial front" 意味
  3. "on the financial pages" 意味
  4. "on the fingertips" 意味
  5. "on the fire" 意味
  6. "on the first anniversary of" 意味
  7. "on the first attempt" 意味
  8. "on the first ballot" 意味
  9. "on the first basement level" 意味
  10. "on the fingertips" 意味
  11. "on the fire" 意味
  12. "on the first anniversary of" 意味
  13. "on the first attempt" 意味

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