on the oil 意味

  • 酒宴たけなわの


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. might go up north . do a bit of graft on the oil rigs .
    北に行くかも 石油採掘で稼ぎたいんだ
  2. which was brewed for the man who was on the oil rig
  3. but i do remember the lights on the oil rig
  4. on the molecules on the oil .
  5. what , on the oil rigs ?


        oil:     oil n. 油; 石油; 油絵; 《口語》 おべっか. 【動詞+】 add oil to the fire 火に油を注ぐ This stove burns oil. このストーブは石油を燃料とする I can't believe that she's so overworked she has to burn the midnight oil. 深夜
        oil in:     oíl ín [óut] [自]((英略式))こっそり入る[抜け出す].
        to oil:    to oil 油を引く あぶらをひく
        oil-oil bushing:    oil-oil bushing 油中-油中用ブッシング[電情]
        (lubricating) oil:    (lubricating) oil 差し油 さしあぶら
        (oil) hydraulics:    (oil) hydraulics 油圧[技術][機械]〈94B0142:油圧及び空気圧用語〉
        (oil) tanker:    (oil) tanker 給油船 きゅうゆせん
        a oil purifier:    A oil purifier A重油清浄機[機械]
        absinthe oil:    absinthe oil アブサン油[化学]
        absolute oil:    純油{じゅんゆ}
        absorber oil:    absorber oil 吸収油[化学]
        absorbing oil:    吸収油{きゅうしゅう ゆ}
        absorption oil:    吸収油{きゅうしゅう ゆ}
        acetone oil:    アセトン油
        adepsine oil:    流動{りゅうどう}パラフィン


  1. "on the ocean" 意味
  2. "on the off" 意味
  3. "on the off chance" 意味
  4. "on the off side of the wall" 意味
  5. "on the offensive" 意味
  6. "on the one hand" 意味
  7. "on the one hand…, but on the other hand…" 意味
  8. "on the open account basis" 意味
  9. "on the open market" 意味
  10. "on the off side of the wall" 意味
  11. "on the offensive" 意味
  12. "on the one hand" 意味
  13. "on the one hand…, but on the other hand…" 意味

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