one-off 意味

発音を聞く   one-offの例文
  • óne-óff


  1. this is done not on a one-off basis but on a continual basis .
  2. in the abolition of sotsuzoku , the hereditary sotsuzoku was incorporated into shizoku (the samurai class ), and the one-off generation of sotsuzoku into heimin (commoner ).
  3. eiseiroku was considered superior for its perpetuity , unlike other rewards such as shushinroku , which only lasted for a generation , nengenroku , which had a fixed period of grant , and a one-off payment , which was not a horoku (salary ).
  4. essential technological development stagnated at the c51/d50 level , and after that a certain degree of improvement of boiler pressure and partial improvement of the electric welding adoption , etc . were made , but most one-off introductions of essentially new technology failed because of a lack of consideration on the part of the development staff .
  5. because the jointly planned products like toys , compact discs or limited-edition models of the b train shorty from bandai are all one-off sale products , once they ' re sold out there is no reselling , so many railway fans living in kansai ask for the reselling of products with unlimited stock and pre-order sale . (there was a sale of the b train shorty that was modified to sell to the public from nankai electric railway co ., ltd . in november 2005 and september 2007 , from hankyu railway , keihan electric railway co ., ltd . and sanyo electric railway co ., ltd . from june to august 2007 , from osaka municipal transportation bureau in january 2008 and from kintetsu corporation/kintetsu railways in march 2008 ).


        off by one:    (位置{いち}?順序{じゅんじょ}などが)一つずれて
        one off:    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
        all off by one:    (位置{いち}?順序{じゅんじょ}などが)全部一つずれて
        auction off one's assets:    資産{しさん}を競売{きょうばい}にかける
        back off one's plan:    計画{けいかく}を断念{だんねん}する
        back off one's position:    自分{じぶん}を引っ込める[譲歩{じょうほ}する]
        be no skin off one's back:     be no skin off one's back ((略式))(何かいやなことをする時に)自分の知ったことではない,自分とは関係ない. (}be nó skín off one's báck ?mnóse?C téeth?C((?-))knúckles?n
        be off one's beat:     be òff [òut of] one's béat (1) ?5 ;巡回区域を離れている. (2) ((略式))専門外である;範囲外である.
        be off one's food:     be óff one's fóod (病気のために)食欲がない.
        be off one's legs:     be óff one's légs 〈人が〉休んでいる.
        be off one's trolley:     be òff one's trólley ((米俗))気が狂っている.
        being off to one side:    being off to one side 僻在 へきざい
        bite off one's tongue:    舌をかみ切る
        bite one's tongue off:    言ったことを後悔する、失言を悔いる、言わなければよかったと思う
        break off one's engagement to:    ~との婚約{こんやく}を解消{かいしょう}する、~との婚約{こんやく}を破棄{はき}する


  1. "one-night stand" 意味
  2. "one-night standoff" 意味
  3. "one-nighter" 意味
  4. "one-note" 意味
  5. "one-of-a-kind" 意味
  6. "one-off incident" 意味
  7. "one-off project" 意味
  8. "one-off stage" 意味
  9. "one-off venture" 意味
  10. "one-note" 意味
  11. "one-of-a-kind" 意味
  12. "one-off incident" 意味
  13. "one-off project" 意味

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