oppose cloning for any reason 意味

  • いかなる理由{りゆう}でもクローニング[クローン作成{さくせい}]に反対姿勢{はんたい しせい}をとる



  1. "oppose an argument" 意味
  2. "oppose an attempt to reform the schools" 意味
  3. "oppose an obstacle" 意味
  4. "oppose another drug's effect" 意味
  5. "oppose any political conspiracy" 意味
  6. "oppose cloning of human beings" 意味
  7. "oppose constitutional changes" 意味
  8. "oppose constitutional revision" 意味
  9. "oppose construction of new waste disposal facilities" 意味
  10. "oppose another drug's effect" 意味
  11. "oppose any political conspiracy" 意味
  12. "oppose cloning of human beings" 意味
  13. "oppose constitutional changes" 意味

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