oppose to 意味

発音を聞く:   oppose toの例文
  • 対抗させる


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. this conflict caused him to oppose to the other chief vassals , norimoto .
  2. hidetada is understood to have been a submissive husband who could not oppose to his seishitsu (legal wife ) oe no kata .
  3. even those warriors in the vicinity of kyoto did not want to support him , to the contrary , some warriors started to oppose to him .
  4. daikakuji-to is a royal ancestry between the late kamakura period to the northern and southern courts period and used to oppose to jimyoin-to .
  5. there is no use arguing over which is right , but the fact is that there are two theories; one is to support the view that a pair of komainu is a couple and the other is to oppose to it .


        oppose:     oppose v. …に反対する, 対抗する; 対立候補を立てる; 向かい合わさせる. 【副詞1】 She bitterly opposed our marriage. 私たちの結婚に激しく反対した I deeply oppose this plan. この計画には絶対反対だ two fundamentally opposing views 2 つの根
        to oppose:    to oppose 歯向かう 歯向う 刃向かう はむかう 対する たいする 逆らう さからう 阻む はばむ 側む そばむ 反する はんする 立ち向かう たちむかう 悖る もとる 楯つく たてつく 逆立つ さかだつ 楯突く 盾突く たてつく
        absolutely oppose:    頭から{あたまから}反対{はんたい}する
        can't oppose:    (人)に頭が上がらない
        cannot oppose:    
        consistently oppose:    ~に断固反対{だんこ はんたい}する
        heartily oppose:    本気{ほんき}で~に反対{はんたい}する
        hotly oppose:    猛烈{もうれつ}に~に反対{はんたい}する
        oppose a bill:    法案{ほうあん}に反対{はんたい}する
        oppose a decree:    命令{めいれい}に反対{はんたい}する
        oppose a dictator:    独裁者{どくさいしゃ}に反抗{はんこう}する
        oppose a dictatorship:    独裁制{どくさい せい}に反抗{はんこう}する
        oppose a government:    政府{せいふ}を妨害{ぼうがい}する
        oppose a measure:    措置{そち}に反対{はんたい}する
        oppose a motion:    動議に反対する


  1. "oppose the tendency toward" 意味
  2. "oppose the transport of weapons and ammunitions during logistic support operations" 意味
  3. "oppose the use of" 意味
  4. "oppose the use of plutonium for reactor fuel" 意味
  5. "oppose the war in" 意味
  6. "oppose to all nuclear testing" 意味
  7. "oppose to northern ireland's peace accord" 意味
  8. "oppose to someone's stance" 意味
  9. "oppose u.s. hegemony" 意味
  10. "oppose the use of plutonium for reactor fuel" 意味
  11. "oppose the war in" 意味
  12. "oppose to all nuclear testing" 意味
  13. "oppose to northern ireland's peace accord" 意味

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