this conflict caused him to oppose to the other chief vassals , norimoto . さらにもう一人の宿老である則職とも対立してしまう。
hidetada is understood to have been a submissive husband who could not oppose to his seishitsu (legal wife ) oe no kata . 秀忠は恐妻家であり、正室のお江の方には頭が上がらなかったとされている。
even those warriors in the vicinity of kyoto did not want to support him , to the contrary , some warriors started to oppose to him . 京都周辺の武士達も義経らに与せず、逆に敵対する者も出てきた。
daikakuji-to is a royal ancestry between the late kamakura period to the northern and southern courts period and used to oppose to jimyoin-to . 大覚寺統(だいかくじとう)は、鎌倉時代後期から南北朝時代にかけて皇位に即いた皇室の系統で、持明院統と対立していた。
there is no use arguing over which is right , but the fact is that there are two theories; one is to support the view that a pair of komainu is a couple and the other is to oppose to it . 厳密に正しい・正しくないで争うことに意味はないが、夫婦肯定説・夫婦否定説の両説がそれぞれ主張されている。