past history 意味

発音を聞く:   past historyの例文
  • pást [áncient] hístory


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. of the climbing party when you were the leader . that past history of yours
    当時 山岳隊のリーダーだった 君の経歴が
  2. given your past history indiscretions , play god , change history
    与えられた過去の歴史を 軽率にも 神の所業で変えようとしてる
  3. because of its location and past history , the majority of movies filmed in the studio are historical in nature , and many of contemporary tv dramas are also filmed there .
  4. i believe that trying to understand correctly the past history along with that of the postwar period is extremely important for the japanese , which is also quite essential when the japanese aim to be a member of global society .'
  5. in view of the past history , it is considered that the deed was already invalidated in 1146 , but it is also considered that since chikamori ' s daughter was a concubine of taira no shigemori , the deed was presented in an expectation of support from the taira family .


        keep past history in mind:    過去{かこ}の歴史{れきし}を忘れずにいる
        look into the past history of:    (人)の過去{かこ}[既往歴{きおうれき}]を調べる
        past history of exposure to:    ~への暴露歴{ばくろ れき}
        express japan's regret for past history:    日本{にほん}の過去{かこ}の歴史{れきし}に対する遺憾{いかん}の意を表明{ひょうめい}する
        squarely face one's past history:    過去{かこ}の歴史{れきし}を直視{ちょくし}する
        look into the past to learn from the lessons of history:    過去{かこ}を検証しそこから歴史的教訓{れきし てき きょうくん}を学ぶ
        review the woman's history of past gynecologic illnesses:    その女性{じょせい}の過去{かこ}の婦人科病歴{ふじんか びょうれき}を再検討{さいけんとう}する
        susceptible to a view of history that glorifies one's past:    《be ~》過去{かこ}を美化{びか}する歴史観{れきしかん}への誘惑{ゆうわく}にかられやすい
        as in the past:    これまでどおり、従来どおり
        be past it:     be [gèt] pást it ((英略式))(1) (年を取って)昔のようには(仕事などが)できない[できなくなる]. (2) 〈機械?物などが〉(長年の使用で)役に立たなくなる.
        in the past:    in the past 平素は へいそは 平素 へいそ
        past:     1past n. 過去; 過ぎ去ったこと, 経歴. 【動詞+】 look to the future and bury the past 未来に目を向け過去を葬り去る She had a past she didn't dare disclose (to anyone). 彼女には(だれにも)明かそうとしない過去があった dredge up sb's pa
        past it:    もはや~することができなくなって、年をとり過ぎて My mother got past it as soon as she started working again. 母は再び働き始めた途端、もう年で働けなくなってしまった。
        the past:    the past 来し方 きしかた こしかた 既往 きおう 往事 おうじ 過ぎた事 すぎたこと 過去 かこ
        history:     history n. 歴史, 歴史書, 来歴沿革; 経歴; (報告的な)話. 【動詞+】 affect the history of the world 世界の歴史に影響を及ぼす popular phrases that carry a history (意味は変遷しているが)昔から使われてきたなじみのある文句 an event that could ch


  1. "past folly" 意味
  2. "past form" 意味
  3. "past fortnight" 意味
  4. "past forty" 意味
  5. "past hangs heavy over" 意味
  6. "past history of exposure to" 意味
  7. "past hope" 意味
  8. "past hope of recovery" 意味
  9. "past issue" 意味
  10. "past forty" 意味
  11. "past hangs heavy over" 意味
  12. "past history of exposure to" 意味
  13. "past hope" 意味

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