my contract is disputed . some person in a high position of the orchestra has changed . 契約 もめてんの。 オケの偉い人が変わってね。
it started as a word meaning a residence of a person in a high position and over time came to mean a palace of the emperor or the imperial family . 身分の高い人の住居という意味から出発し、やがて天皇や皇族の宮殿を意味するようになった。
in fact , however , even though sugen-in was a historically important person in a high position , there are few creditable historical materials which report her personality including her looks and character . だが実のところ、これほど身分が高く歴史的にも重要な人物でありながら、崇源院の容貌・性格などを含めた人物像を伝える確たる史料は少ない。