person of extreme wealth 意味

  • 大金持ち{おおがねもち}


        have extreme wealth:    大金持ちである
        man of extreme wealth:    
        person of wealth:    person of wealth 財産家 ざいさんか
        person of fabulous wealth:    途方{とほう}もない財産{ざいさん}の持ち主
        person of great wealth:    大富豪{だい ふごう}
        person of untold wealth:    途方{とほう}もない大財産家{だい ざいさん か}
        person with a wealth of experience:    経験{けいけん}の豊富{ほうふ}な人
        wealth:     wealth n. 富; 豊裕. 【動詞+】 Popularity generally accompanies wealth. 人望は概して富に伴うものだ Carnegie accumulated his wealth in the course of his lifetime at the rate of about a million dollars a year.
        wealth of:    《a ~》大量{たいりょう}の、多量の、大量の、豊富な、豊かな、多様{たよう}な He has a wealth of horror stories about managerial incompetence. 彼は経営能力の欠如についてのひどい話をいっぱい知っている。 There is a wealth of things to see and do. そこには見るものやすることがたくさんあ
        at the extreme:    極端{きょくたん}な場合{ばあい}に
        extreme:     extreme n. 極端, 極度; 両極端; 窮境. 【動詞+】 It is wise to avoid extremes. 極端を避けるのが賢明だ His anxiety reached such an extreme that he had difficulty carrying on a conversation. 彼の不安は会話も満足にできないほどにまでな
        in the extreme:    in the extreme 極まり無い 極まりない きわまりない
        the extreme:    the extreme 最 さい
        above wealth:    《be ~》富に勝る
        accumulate wealth:    財を成す、蓄財する


  1. "person of extensive learning" 意味
  2. "person of extensive reading" 意味
  3. "person of extraordinary genius" 意味
  4. "person of extraordinary strength" 意味
  5. "person of extraordinary talent and judgment" 意味
  6. "person of extremely high moral standards" 意味
  7. "person of fabulous wealth" 意味
  8. "person of fair fame" 意味
  9. "person of faith" 意味
  10. "person of extraordinary strength" 意味
  11. "person of extraordinary talent and judgment" 意味
  12. "person of extremely high moral standards" 意味
  13. "person of fabulous wealth" 意味

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