person of high financial standing 意味

  • 財政的{ざいせいてき}に高い地位{ちい}にいる人



  1. "person of high caliber" 意味
  2. "person of high courage" 意味
  3. "person of high culture" 意味
  4. "person of high degree" 意味
  5. "person of high descent" 意味
  6. "person of high integrity" 意味
  7. "person of high intelligence" 意味
  8. "person of high lineage" 意味
  9. "person of high mentality" 意味
  10. "person of high degree" 意味
  11. "person of high descent" 意味
  12. "person of high integrity" 意味
  13. "person of high intelligence" 意味

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