- 工業技術{こうぎょう ぎじゅつ}の知識{ちしき}を持っている人
person with an engineering back ground 意味
- "person with alleged terrorist ties" 意味
- "person with an arrest record" 意味
- "person with an artistic bent" 意味
- "person with an arts background" 意味
- "person with an aversion to politics" 意味
- "person with an even temper" 意味
- "person with an international outlook" 意味
- "person with an iron will" 意味
- "person with an obscure past" 意味
- "person with an arts background" 意味
- "person with an aversion to politics" 意味
- "person with an even temper" 意味
- "person with an international outlook" 意味