the list of persons involved with kyoto prefectural university 京都府立大学の人物一覧
inviting persons involved to her home , she threw parties , which functioned as a place for social interaction . 自宅で関係者を集めてパーティを開き、そこが自ずから社交場となった。
kiyomori , beside himself with anger , had saiko executed and ordered the a wholesale arrest of all persons involved in the plot . 清盛の怒りは凄まじく西光は処刑され、関係者は一網打尽にされた。
today the shrine is worshipped not only for pioneers of electricity and electromagnetic wave research but also for persons involved in computers and telecommunications . 今日では、電気・電波だけでなくコンピュータ関係者や電気通信事業者からも信仰を集めている。
persons involved in kabuki in tokyo also harbored a considerable sense of crisis that the decline of kansai kabuki might result in the decline of the entire kabuki world . 東京の歌舞伎関係者も、関西歌舞伎の凋落は歌舞伎界全体の衰退に繋がりかねないと、相当の危機感を抱いていたのである。