persons involved 意味

発音を聞く:   persons involvedの例文
  • 関係者{かんけいしゃ}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the list of persons involved with kyoto prefectural university
  2. inviting persons involved to her home , she threw parties , which functioned as a place for social interaction .
  3. kiyomori , beside himself with anger , had saiko executed and ordered the a wholesale arrest of all persons involved in the plot .
  4. today the shrine is worshipped not only for pioneers of electricity and electromagnetic wave research but also for persons involved in computers and telecommunications .
  5. persons involved in kabuki in tokyo also harbored a considerable sense of crisis that the decline of kansai kabuki might result in the decline of the entire kabuki world .


        other persons involved in:    ~に関係{かんけい}して[かかわって]いるほかの人々{ひとびと}
        speak directly to persons involved:    関係者{かんけいしゃ}へ直接話し掛ける
        round up all persons involved in:    ~に関与{かんよ}する人物{じんぶつ}を一網打尽{いちもう だじん}にする
        persons:    persons 方々 方方 かたがた ほうぼう
        involved:    {形-1} : 巻き込まれた、かかわり合いになって、関係{かんけい}している、関連{かんれん}する、打ち込んだ、性的{せいてき}な関係{かんけい}がある If the police get involved, I want to back out of the deal. もし警察がかかわっているのなら、私はこの取引から手を引きたい。 -----------------------------
        involved in:    《be ~》~に従事{じゅうじ}する、~に夢中{むちゅう}になる、~に深入りする They have been involved in the peace movement since the '60s. 彼らは60年代からずっと平和運動にかかわっている。 I'm involved in business. 事業をやっています I'm sorry for getting you involve
        involved with:    《be ~》~と関連[関係?かかわり合い]を持っている、(人)と付き合っている
        to be involved:    to be involved 絡まる からまる
        to be involved in:    to be involved in 伴う ともなう 掛かり合う かかりあう
        to be involved with:    to be involved with 絡む からむ
        able persons:    able persons 良材 りょうざい
        accept persons:    えこひいきする
        acceptance of persons:    えこひいき
        body of persons:    団体{だんたい}
        both persons:    both persons 両者 りょうしゃ 両名 りょうめい 両氏 りょうし


  1. "persons in the employment of" 意味
  2. "persons in the employment of the government" 意味
  3. "persons in the professions and in government office" 意味
  4. "persons injured" 意味
  5. "persons interested may obtain full particulars from…" 意味
  6. "persons killed" 意味
  7. "persons living on unearned incomes" 意味
  8. "persons not receiving unemployment insurance benefits" 意味
  9. "persons of average brains" 意味
  10. "persons injured" 意味
  11. "persons interested may obtain full particulars from…" 意味
  12. "persons killed" 意味
  13. "persons living on unearned incomes" 意味

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