persons killed 意味

  • persons killed


  1. 00 a .m . on october the 13th , 1985 , a person or persons killed three members of the day family in their farm house in kinnakee , kansas .
    1985年10月13日午前2時ー 何者かがカンザスの農家である デイ家の3人を殺した
  2. kurokuwa serving daimyo (japanese territorial lord ) in the sengoku period belonged to konidatai (caravan of men and animals carrying supplies ) and engaged in constructing encampments , bridges and so on , and recovering and burying persons killed in war .


        killed:    {形} : 〈米俗〉(酒?麻薬{まやく}に)酔って
        killed by:    《be ~》~に殺される、~に殺害{さつがい}される、~の手に掛かって死ぬ
        persons:    persons 方々 方方 かたがた ほうぼう
        accidentally killed:    《be ~》誤って殺される
        ambushed and killed:    《be ~》待ち伏せに合い殺害{さつがい}される
        beg to be killed:    殺してくれと頼む
        half killed:    half killed 半死半生 はんしはんしょう 半殺し はんごろし
        instantly killed:    《be ~》即死する He was killed instantly. 彼は即死した。
        killed and wounded:    killed and wounded 死傷者 ししょうしゃ
        killed at birth:    《be ~》誕生{たんじょう}した[生まれた]途端{とたん}に殺される
        killed bacteria:    死菌{しきん}
        killed by a bomb:    《be ~》爆死する
        killed by a motorist:    《be ~》自動車事故{じどうしゃ じこ}で死ぬ
        killed by artillery:    銃砲による戦死◆【略】KBA
        killed by helicopter:    ヘリによる戦死◆【略】KBH


  1. "persons in the employment of the government" 意味
  2. "persons in the professions and in government office" 意味
  3. "persons injured" 意味
  4. "persons interested may obtain full particulars from…" 意味
  5. "persons involved" 意味
  6. "persons living on unearned incomes" 意味
  7. "persons not receiving unemployment insurance benefits" 意味
  8. "persons of average brains" 意味
  9. "persons of british nationality" 意味
  10. "persons interested may obtain full particulars from…" 意味
  11. "persons involved" 意味
  12. "persons living on unearned incomes" 意味
  13. "persons not receiving unemployment insurance benefits" 意味

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