pitch certain products to readers with special interests
readers' interests
: 読者{どくしゃ}の関心事{かんしんじ}、読書傾向{どくしょ けいこう}
survey of the readers interests
: survey of the readers interests 読書傾向調査[基礎]
diet members who back certain government ministries and special interests and benefit from their efforts
: 族議員{ぞくぎいん}
demand for certain products
: 特定{とくてい}の産物{さんぶつ}に対する需要{じゅよう}
cater to special interests
: 特定{とくてい}の利益団体{りえき だんたい}の要求{ようきゅう}に応じる
legislators working for the special interests
: 族議員{ぞくぎいん}
protect special interests
: 特別利益団体{とくべつ りえき だんたい}を保護{ほご}する
represent special interests
: 特別利益団体{とくべつ りえき だんたい}を代表{だいひょう}する
sell out to special interests
: 特別利益団体{とくべつ りえき だんたい}に寝返る{ねがえる}
inform readers of products and services offered by the company
: その会社{かいしゃ}が提供{ていきょう}する製品{せいひん}とサービスを読者{どくしゃ}に知らせる
discontinue sale of certain kinds of products
: ある種の製品{せいひん}の販売{はんばい}を中止{ちゅうし}する
products with a special built-in feature
: 特殊加工商品{とくしゅ かこう しょうひん}
special committee on antibiotic products
: {組織} : 抗菌性物質製剤特別部会
special committee on biological products
: {組織} : 生物学的製剤特別部会
highly coveted tool of the special interests
"pitch bay" 意味
"pitch black" 意味
"pitch block" 意味
"pitch brace" 意味
"pitch camp" 意味
"pitch chain" 意味
"pitch chord ratio" 意味
"pitch circle" 意味
"pitch circle diameter" 意味
"pitch brace" 意味
"pitch camp" 意味
"pitch chain" 意味
"pitch chord ratio" 意味
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