pk戦で~に敗れる: go down to ~ in PKs《サッカー》
予選で敗れる: be beaten in a preliminary game
勝負で敗れる: engage in a lost competition for〔~の〕
投票で敗れる: be defeated in a ballot
土壇場で敗れる: get beaten at the post
審判の判定で敗れる: lose a game on a referee call
_%の得票差で敗れる: lose by __% of the vote
pk戦で勝つ: win by a shoot-out
pk戦で負ける: lose in penalty kicks《サッカー》
敗れる: 敗れる やぶれる to be defeated to be unsuccessful
初戦で敗退する: be eliminated in the first round
決勝戦で敗退する: loose in the finals
激戦で敗走する: be routed in a pitched battle
そのチームは優勝を目指して激しい練習をしたが、結局は決勝戦で敗れた: The team trained hard to fly the flag, but ended up losing the final game.
敗れる 1: 1. come off second [second-best] 2. go down 3. lose out 敗れる 2 【自動】 succumb 敗れる 3 get the worst of it〔けんか?議論などに〕