- 警官は武器の携帯を許されるべきではない
policemen should not be allowed to carry arms 意味
- "policemen directed traffic at congested intersections" 意味
- "policemen in britain are normally unarmed" 意味
- "policemen on guard" 意味
- "policemen on horseback" 意味
- "policemen patrol in pairs" 意味
- "policemen's clubs were used on the crowd" 意味
- "policemen's duty performance law" 意味
- "policeowned" 意味
- "policeperson" 意味
- "policemen on horseback" 意味
- "policemen patrol in pairs" 意味
- "policemen's clubs were used on the crowd" 意味
- "policemen's duty performance law" 意味