policemen's clubs were used on the crowd 意味

  • その群衆に対して警棒が使用された


        policemen:    policemen 警察官 けいさつかん
        use the things of the past the way they were originally used:    古いものを昔ながらに使う
        as it were:    as it were 恰も あたかも 謂わば いわば
        if it were not for:    (現在の事実に反対の仮定を表して)もし~がなかったら If it were not for her children, I would ask her to marry me. 彼女に子どもがいなかったら、私は彼女に結婚を申し込むだろう。 The man may have been killed if it were not for the police intervention. 警察の介入
        were:     WERE {略} : where どこ◆インターネット
        were it not for:     wère it nót for ... ((文))=
        flanked by policemen:    両脇{りょうわき}を警官{けいかん}に挟まれて
        in the presence of policemen:    警官{けいかん}のいる所で
        policemen on guard:    護衛{ごえい}の警官{けいかん}
        policemen on horseback:    騎馬警官{きば けいかん}
        squad of policemen:    警官隊{けいかん たい}
        a crowd:    a crowd 一群れ ひとむれ 一叢 ひとむら 一群 いちぐん
        crowd:     1crowd n. 群衆, 大勢; 民衆; 多数; 《口語》 仲間; 聴衆. 【動詞+】 attract enormous crowds おびただしい群衆を引きつける avoid crowds 人込みを避ける break up a crowd of demonstrators デモ隊の群れを追い散らす sights that invariab
        crowd in:     crówd ín [他] (1) 〈人?物?事〉を何とか予定に入れる,割り込ませる. (2) ?|他|2 . (3) 〈問題?考えが〉〔人〕に次々にわく,どっと押し寄せる〔on〕 Pleasant memories ~ed in on me. 楽しい思い出がどっとよみがえってきた.
        crowd in on:    (心に)どっと浮かんでくる When she saw the picture, unpleasant memories crowded in [upon] on her. その写真を見ると、彼女の心に嫌な思い出がどっと押し寄せてきた。


  1. "policemen in britain are normally unarmed"の英語
  2. "policemen on guard"の英語
  3. "policemen on horseback"の英語
  4. "policemen patrol in pairs"の英語
  5. "policemen should not be allowed to carry arms"の英語
  6. "policemen's duty performance law"の英語
  7. "policeowned"の英語
  8. "policeperson"の英語
  9. "policepublication of the name of a wanted"の英語
  10. "policemen patrol in pairs"の英語
  11. "policemen should not be allowed to carry arms"の英語
  12. "policemen's duty performance law"の英語
  13. "policeowned"の英語

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