pop3: POP3 {略-1} : Framework Convention on Climate Change 国連気候変動枠組み条約第3回締約国会議 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : Post Office Protocol versi
sqlの実行: execution of SQL《コ》
命令の実行: execution of an instruction
担保の実行: enforcement of security
検算の実行: proof runs
業務の実行: performance of the work
権利の実行: realization of right
次の実行文: 次の実行文 next executable sentence[電情]
計画の実行: 1. execution of a plan 2. implementation of the plan
ローンの実行: 1. drawdown 2. execution of loan
性行為の実行: sexual performance
担保権の実行: exercise of security right
次の実行命令: next executable statement
プロセッサの実行: processor's execution
ユニットの実行: execution of unit