pouncing paper
pouncing paper
: pouncing パウンシング[その他]
tiny bug crawling within pouncing range
: 飛びかかることができる範囲{はんい}ではっている小さな虫
in the paper
: 《be ~》新聞{しんぶん}に載る
on paper
: on paper 紙上 しじょう
: 1paper n. (1) 紙. 【動詞+】 Crease the paper before tearing it. その紙を裂く前に折り目をつけること fold the paper so that the edges will be even 端がそろうように紙を折る He folded the paper in half. 紙を半分に折った
base paper (body paper)
: base paper (body paper) 原紙[その他]〈96Z0102:クラフト紙袋用語〉
paper for textile paper tubes
: paper for textile paper tubes 織物紙管用紙[化学]〈98P0001:紙?板紙及びパルプ用語〉
stencil paper (base paper)
: stencil paper (base paper) 謄写版原紙[化学]〈98P0001:紙?板紙及びパルプ用語〉
(paper) stencil
: (paper) stencil 紙型 かみがた しけい
(western) paper
: (western) paper 西洋紙 せいようし
a quire (of paper)
: a quire (of paper) 一帖 いちじょう
a ream (of paper)
: a ream (of paper) 一連 いちれん
abrasive paper
: 研磨紙{けんまし}
absorbent paper
: 吸い取り紙、吸収紙{きゅうしゅうし}
abstract (of a paper)
: abstract (of a paper) アブストラクト
"pounce on someone's slip of the tongue" 意味
"pounce out" 意味
"pounce upon" 意味
"pounce wheel" 意味
"pouncing" 意味
"pound" 意味
"pound a typewriter" 意味
"pound about looking for a job" 意味
"pound away at one's work" 意味
"pounce wheel" 意味
"pouncing" 意味
"pound" 意味
"pound a typewriter" 意味
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