presence 意味

発音記号: [ 'prezns ]発音を聞く   presenceの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. they should notify humans to their presence .
    人間に ドローンが居ることを 知らせるべきです
  2. who is not only there , showing a presence every day
    毎日 学校に出入りするだけでなく
  3. our sultan wants you in his presence , my pasha .
  4. the last time you were in the presence of a baby
    一番最近あなたが赤ん坊と会ったとき --
  5. eh ? the presence of the article about tax evasion ..
    えー? お前が あの脱税記事の



  1. "preselective" 意味
  2. "preselector" 意味
  3. "presell" 意味
  4. "preselling" 意味
  5. "presence (of a high personage)" 意味
  6. "presence and absence theory" 意味
  7. "presence by proxy" 意味
  8. "presence chamber" 意味
  9. "presell" 意味
  10. "preselling" 意味
  11. "presence (of a high personage)" 意味
  12. "presence and absence theory" 意味

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