programming 意味

発音記号: [ 'prəugræmiŋ ]発音を聞く   programmingの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. indeed , perhaps my programming has its limits .
    それが プログラムの 限界なのかもしれない
  2. oh , and you executed that programming beautifully .
    そう 貴方はプログラム通り行動した
  3. it's a programming language called malbolge .
    「マルボルジ」と呼ばれる プログラミング言語だ
  4. other programming languages to get the basics down
    プログラミングをして 基礎を覚えました
  5. now , besides programming these beautiful patterns



  1. "programmer-introduced errors" 意味
  2. "programmer-readable" 意味
  3. "programmerreadable" 意味
  4. "programmers typically map out a program's operations with a flowchart" 意味
  5. "programmetry" 意味
  6. "programming and debugging tool" 意味
  7. "programming board" 意味
  8. "programming code" 意味
  9. "programming concept" 意味
  10. "programmers typically map out a program's operations with a flowchart" 意味
  11. "programmetry" 意味
  12. "programming and debugging tool" 意味
  13. "programming board" 意味

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