- publisher n. 出版社.【動詞+】+もっと...【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】
- Though often tiny, alternative publishers sometimes have a big impact on local politics.
しばしば小さいけれど, (大手に代わる)型にはまらない出版社が地方政治に大きな衝撃を与えることが時にある
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- Clarendon Press is publisher to the University of Oxford.
クラレンドン プレスはオックスフォード大学専門の出版社だ.
- Though often tiny, alternative publishers sometimes have a big impact on local politics.
publisher 意味
発音記号: [ 'pʌbliʃə(r) ]発音を聞く publisherの例文
もっと例文: 次へ>- tell your publisher not to list your hometown
「出版社へ 著者経歴に君の住所を書かないように - one large children's publisher ironically said
ある大きな子供の本の出版社などは 皮肉なことに - oh , did you see the guys from my publisher around here ?
出版会社の人を見かけた? - making the publisher about another 275 million .
会社には さらに2億7千5百万ドル入ります - i'd like to know what kind of a publisher you worked for .
- "published specification" 意味
- "published statement of condition" 意味
- "published study" 意味
- "published weekly" 意味
- "published without license" 意味
- "publisher's catalogue" 意味
- "publisher's imprint" 意味
- "publisher's list" 意味
- "publisher's presentation copy" 意味
- "published weekly" 意味
- "published without license" 意味
- "publisher's catalogue" 意味
- "publisher's imprint" 意味