- 額を寄せて協議{きょうぎ}[相談{そうだん}]する、一緒に知恵を絞る、共に考える、団結する、協力し合う
put one's head together 意味
- "put one's head out of a window"の英語
- "put one's head out of the car window"の英語
- "put one's head out of the train window"の英語
- "put one's head out of the window"の英語
- "put one's head round the door"の英語
- "put one's head together with"の英語
- "put one's head up someone's skirt"の英語
- "put one's heart and soul into"の英語
- "put one's heart and soul into moneymaking"の英語
- "put one's head out of the window"の英語
- "put one's head round the door"の英語
- "put one's head together with"の英語
- "put one's head up someone's skirt"の英語