rapid and large increase in the numbers of 意味

  • ~の数の急激{きゅうげき}かつ大幅{おおはば}な増加{ぞうか}



  1. "rapid amplification" 意味
  2. "rapid analysis" 意味
  3. "rapid analysis technique" 意味
  4. "rapid and concrete action" 意味
  5. "rapid and drastic changes of socioeconomic structures" 意味
  6. "rapid and massive outflows of short-term capital" 意味
  7. "rapid and unplanned urbanization" 意味
  8. "rapid and widespread commercialization of" 意味
  9. "rapid and widespread diffusion of the internet" 意味
  10. "rapid and concrete action" 意味
  11. "rapid and drastic changes of socioeconomic structures" 意味
  12. "rapid and massive outflows of short-term capital" 意味
  13. "rapid and unplanned urbanization" 意味

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