rear window 意味

発音を聞く:   rear windowの例文
  • rear window


  1. part of the thing is that , in rear window
    映画『裏窓』では 彼女がグラマーすぎて
  2. film on which advertisings are printed is pasted on the rear window .
  3. after a screening of rear window
  4. oh and constable , you could do worse than to check the ground under the rear window for any signs of footprints not your own data , data , data .
    それから裏の窓の下の 土に足跡がないか 調べるのも悪くない
  5. stickers of available credit card companies are put on the left side of the rear window , so customers who want to pay by credit card need to check for them .


        back (rear) window:    back (rear) window 裏窓 うらまど
        electric rear window defogger:    electric rear window defogger 熱線入り窓ガラス[自動車]〈97D0103:自動車部品―電気装置の機器?部品―名称〉
        heated rear window:    熱線式{ねっせんしき}リヤウインドー
        rear window of a car:    車の後部窓
        break the window of the rear entrance to gain access:    裏口{うらぐち}の窓を破って侵入{しんにゅう}する
        roll down the side window and look out of it toward the rear:    (車の)窓を開けて顔を出して後方を見る
        at the rear:    背後に、後部に、後方に、裏に、準備が完了して
        at the rear of:    ~の背後に、~の後部に、~の後方に、~の裏に、~の準備が完了して
        in the rear:    in the rear 後方 こうほう
        in the rear of:    ~の後部に、~の背後に、~の後ろから、~の後ろに、~の後方に、~の裏に、~の裏で、~の裏手の
        rear:     1rear n. 後部, 背後; 《婉曲》 尻. 【動詞+】 bring up the rear しんがりを務める My seat faced the rear of the restaurant, so I didn't see him come in. 私の席はレストランの奥のほうに向いていたので彼が入ってくるのは見えなかった. 【前置詞+】 a r
        the rear:    the rear 後尾 こうび
        to rear:    to rear 養い育てる やしないそだてる 養う やしなう 育くむ 育む はぐくむ 育てる そだてる 育て上げる そだてあげる 手掛ける てがける
        (at the) window:    (at the) window 窓際 まどぎわ
        at the window:    窓に、窓際で、窓から


  1. "rear wheel base" 意味
  2. "rear wheel bearing" 意味
  3. "rear wheel drive" 意味
  4. "rear wheel torque" 意味
  5. "rear wheel well" 意味
  6. "rear window of a car" 意味
  7. "rear windshield wiper" 意味
  8. "rear wing" 意味
  9. "rear yard" 意味
  10. "rear wheel torque" 意味
  11. "rear wheel well" 意味
  12. "rear window of a car" 意味
  13. "rear windshield wiper" 意味

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