reckless management 意味

  • 無謀{むぼう}な経営{けいえい}


  1. an article about reckless management practices at kitahama bank was published in osaka nichinichi shinbun (newspaper ).
  2. the reckless management and misappropriation of satsuma domain governance by ichida clan led to one of the causes for the occurrence of kinshiroku-kuzure incident later .


        by reckless management:    無謀{むぼう}な経営法{けいえい ほう}で
        enable reckless management practices to continue unchecked:    放漫経営{ほうまん けいえい}を放置可能{ほうち かのう}にする
        reckless:     reckless adj. 向こう見ずな, 意に介さない. 【副詞】 utterly reckless behavior およそ向こう見ずな行動. 【+前置詞】 He is reckless of danger. 危険など意に介さない reckless of the consequences 結果におかまいなく It was reckles
        reckless of:    《be ~》~を気に掛けない He is reckless of other people's feelings. 彼は他人の気持ちを気に掛けない。
        at a reckless speed:    猛烈なスピードで
        get reckless:    やけを起こす、捨て鉢になる
        reckless abandon:    無茶{むちゃ}な[危険{きけん}を顧みない]奔放{ほんぽう}さ
        reckless act:    向う見ずな行動{こうどう}、無謀{むぼう}な行為{こうい}
        reckless action:    reckless action 暴挙 ぼうきょ
        reckless adventurer:    向こう見ずな冒険家{ぼうけんか}
        reckless attack:    無謀{むぼう}な攻撃{こうげき}
        reckless audacity:    向こう見ずな大胆{だいたん}さ
        reckless behavior:    向こう見ずな行動{こうどう}
        reckless child:    向こう見ずな子ども
        reckless conduct:    無謀{むぼう}な行為{こうい}


  1. "reckless fellow" 意味
  2. "reckless firing" 意味
  3. "reckless fiscal spending" 意味
  4. "reckless grandstanding" 意味
  5. "reckless loan" 意味
  6. "reckless negligence" 意味
  7. "reckless of" 意味
  8. "reckless of the consequences" 意味
  9. "reckless politics" 意味
  10. "reckless grandstanding" 意味
  11. "reckless loan" 意味
  12. "reckless negligence" 意味
  13. "reckless of" 意味

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