reduce passage rates slightly 意味

  • 少し船賃を下げる


        slightly reduce the amount of:    ~(の量)を少し[わずかに]減らす
        reduce interest rates:    利下げする
        reduce potential growth rates:    潜在成長率{せんざい せいちょう りつ}を低下{ていか}させる
        reduce tax rates:    税率{ぜいりつ}を引き下げる
        reduce the tax rates on:    ~に対する税率{ぜいりつ}を引き下げる
        drastically reduce rates for out-of-city calls:    市外電話料金{しがい でんわ りょうきん}を大幅{おおはば}に値下げする
        slightly:    slightly ほんのり 薄々 薄薄 うすうす 心持ち こころもち
        by passage:    脇道{わきみち}
        for the passage of:    ~を通すために
        in a passage:    一節{いっせつ}に
        no passage:    no passage 行き止まり いきどまり ゆきどまり
        on passage:    輸送中{ゆそう ちゅう}
        passage:    passage n. (1) 通行, 通過; 推移; 通行権; 渡航; 船賃; 通路; (議案の)通過; 打ちあい. 【動詞+】 They decided to afford passage through their territory to the forces. 軍隊に対し領内通過を許可することを決めた They would not allow the passag
        this passage:    this passage 本節 ほんせつ
        at rates of:    速度で


  1. "reduce overtime pay" 意味
  2. "reduce oxygen to give the superoxide anion" 意味
  3. "reduce paperwork" 意味
  4. "reduce paperwork to a minimum" 意味
  5. "reduce paranoia" 意味
  6. "reduce payments imbalances" 意味
  7. "reduce payroll" 意味
  8. "reduce payrolls permanently" 意味
  9. "reduce pension benefits as prices decline" 意味
  10. "reduce paperwork to a minimum" 意味
  11. "reduce paranoia" 意味
  12. "reduce payments imbalances" 意味
  13. "reduce payroll" 意味

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