represent in contour 意味

  • 等高線{とうこうせん}で表す


        contour:     contour n. 輪郭, 外形, 概略; 〔地学〕 等高線. 【動詞+】 chart the contours of the seabed 海底の地形を図示する seats that fit the contours of the body 体の輪郭にぴったりあう座席 The road follows the contour of the terrai
        represent:     represent v. 代表する; 代表者となる; 相当する; 表わす, 描きだす; 申し立てる. 【副詞1】 Japan is ably represented at the conference by three of her most brilliant mathematicians. 日本はその会議に第一級の数学者を 3 人送りこんで日本の(学界の)意向を見事に代弁させ
        represent by:    表す
        to represent:    to represent 形取る 象る 形どる かたどる
        auxiliary contour (supplementary contour):    auxiliary contour (supplementary contour) 補助曲線(地形図)[地球]
        abandonment contour:    abandonment contour 衰退図[化学]
        accurate contour:    accurate contour 正規等高線[地球]
        altitude contour:    altitude contour Cファクター[地球]
        altitude-contour:    altitude-contour 高度等高線[地球]
        approved contour:    等高線{とうこうせん}
        approximate contour:    近似等高線{きんじ とうこうせん}
        body contour:    体輪郭{たい りんかく}
        bromwich contour:    Bromwich contour ブロムウィッチ積分路[基礎]
        contour (line):    contour (line) 等高線 とうこうせん
        contour analysis:    輪郭分析{りんかく ぶんせき}


  1. "represent different communities" 意味
  2. "represent emotions" 意味
  3. "represent graphically" 意味
  4. "represent how someone looks" 意味
  5. "represent ideas by words" 意味
  6. "represent japan as a deputy of the prime minister" 意味
  7. "represent japan at the conference" 意味
  8. "represent japan at the meeting" 意味
  9. "represent japanese art" 意味
  10. "represent how someone looks" 意味
  11. "represent ideas by words" 意味
  12. "represent japan as a deputy of the prime minister" 意味
  13. "represent japan at the conference" 意味

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