required by law to 意味

  • 《be ~》~するよう法律{ほうりつ}で義務付けられている


  1. you're only required by law to disclose anything that happened in the last three years .
    法律で義務付けられてる 開示は ─ 過去3年間だけだぞ
  2. i'm required by law to take you back to see the doctor if you make a threat like that .
    そんな脅しを言うなら あなたに 診察を受けさせる義務が私には あるわ
  3. these mokuroku were keicho that were required by law to be submitted to kyoto no later than the end of the eighth month every year , and kyoto planned the revenue for each year and for the number of households (especially households bearing duties ) throughout japan with mokuroku .



  1. "required accessories" 意味
  2. "required act" 意味
  3. "required amount" 意味
  4. "required arch length" 意味
  5. "required at school entry" 意味
  6. "required by law to accurately log" 意味
  7. "required by the body" 意味
  8. "required capital coefficient" 意味
  9. "required cofactor" 意味
  10. "required arch length" 意味
  11. "required at school entry" 意味
  12. "required by law to accurately log" 意味
  13. "required by the body" 意味

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