resentment 意味

発音記号: [ ri'zentmənt ]発音を聞く   resentmentの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. you're just taking out that resentment on others .
    その鬱憤を 周りにぶつけてるんだろ?
  2. we will not cave in to such unjustified resentment .
    我々は 逆恨みになんて負けませんよ。
  3. show me more . show me your memory of resentment !
    もっと見せて 怨みの記憶をもっと
  4. you go there to find the memories of her resentment .
  5. it's nothing more than unjustified resentment .
    逆恨み以外の 何物でもありませんよ。



  1. "resentful toward" 意味
  2. "resentful-looking" 意味
  3. "resentfullooking" 意味
  4. "resentfully" 意味
  5. "resentfulness" 意味
  6. "resentment about the loss of one's job" 意味
  7. "resentment against" 意味
  8. "resentment against alleged police brutality boiled over in angry demonstrations" 意味
  9. "resentment at" 意味
  10. "resentfully" 意味
  11. "resentfulness" 意味
  12. "resentment about the loss of one's job" 意味
  13. "resentment against" 意味

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