reserve 意味

発音記号: [ ri'zə:v ]発音を聞く   reserveの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the federal reserve has done just the opposite .
  2. so there's a main parachute and a reserve parachute
  3. we already have a secret plan in reserve .
    何せ こっちには とっておきの秘策が あるからな。
  4. in december 1893 , he was placed on reserve duty .
  5. i reserve it for those who are truly repentant .
    本当に後悔する人のために 取ってあるの


        in reserve:    (将来{しょうらい}のために)蓄えてある
        no reserve:    予約{よやく}[取り置き]はなし
        reserve for:    ~引当金、~準備金、~積立金
        to reserve:    to reserve 申し込む もうしこむ 貸し切る かしきる 残す 遺す のこす 借り切る かりきる
        with reserve:    控えめに(話す)遠慮{えんりょ}して(話す)、自分{じぶん}を抑えて(行動{こうどう}する)
        [ore] reserve:    [ore] reserve 埋蔵鉱量[その他]〈99Z4001:原子力用語〉
        abolish a reserve:    留保条件を撤廃する
        accrual reserve:    見越し留保{みこし りゅうほ}
        active reserve:    積極積立金{せっきょく つみたてきん}
        addition to reserve:    積立金繰入れ{つみたてきん くりいれ}
        additional reserve:    追加責任準備金
        adrenocortical reserve:    副腎皮質{ふくじん ひしつ}の予備力{よびりょく}
        aggregate reserve:    総準備{そう じゅんび}
        alkali reserve:    アルカリ予備{よび}
        allowance reserve:    引当金{ひきあてきん}


  1. "reservations can be arranged for…through…" 意味
  2. "reservations can be made by telephone" 意味
  3. "reservations for accommodation at hotels" 意味
  4. "reservations which many people in this country feel about the possibility of military action" 意味
  5. "reservatorio de guarapiranga" 意味
  6. "reserve (for wild animals)" 意味
  7. "reserve a berth" 意味
  8. "reserve a book" 意味
  9. "reserve a flight from a to b" 意味
  10. "reservations which many people in this country feel about the possibility of military action" 意味
  11. "reservatorio de guarapiranga" 意味
  12. "reserve (for wild animals)" 意味
  13. "reserve a berth" 意味

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