- restaurant n. レストラン, 料理店; 食堂.【動詞+】+もっと...【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】
- We stopped at a roadside restaurant in Maine that served absolutely delicious lobster sandwiches.
メイン州の沿道の食堂に立ち寄ったが, 実にうまいロブスターのサンドイッチを出してくれた
【前置詞+】- We stopped at a drive-through fast-food restaurant for a quick meal.
- I took her to a restaurant I like.
- We stopped at a roadside restaurant in Maine that served absolutely delicious lobster sandwiches.
restaurant 意味
発音記号: [ 'restər:ŋ, -rɔnt ]発音を聞く restaurantの例文
- restaurant n. レストラン, 料理店; 食堂.【動詞+】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- yeah , but we didn't get the name of the restaurant .
レストランの名前は 聞かなかった - and created a restaurant called waterhouse .
Waterhouseというレストランを作りました。 - you know , i think people go into a restaurant
レストランでステーキをオーダーするとします。 - ramen restaurant to have 5 insurance policies ..
チェーン展開もしてない ラーメン屋の店主が - he's the managing director of the restaurant department .
- "restate abstract moral principle" 意味
- "restate one's firm commitment to" 意味
- "restate opposition to" 意味
- "restate the policy of" 意味
- "restatement" 意味
- "restaurant business" 意味
- "restaurant car" 意味
- "restaurant chain" 意味
- "restaurant chain operator" 意味
- "restate the policy of" 意味
- "restatement" 意味
- "restaurant business" 意味
- "restaurant car" 意味