rub one's jaw 意味

  • あごをさする



  1. "rub one's hands in glee at the prospect of"の英語
  2. "rub one's hands together"の英語
  3. "rub one's hands together to get warm"の英語
  4. "rub one's hands warm"の英語
  5. "rub one's hands with glee"の英語
  6. "rub one's makeup off"の英語
  7. "rub one's mouth against the back of one's hand"の英語
  8. "rub one's mouth with the back of one's hand"の英語
  9. "rub one's nose"の英語
  10. "rub one's hands warm"の英語
  11. "rub one's hands with glee"の英語
  12. "rub one's makeup off"の英語
  13. "rub one's mouth against the back of one's hand"の英語

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