run off 意味

発音を聞く:   run offの例文
  • {句動-1} : 走り去る、逃げ去る、逃げ出す、家出{いえで}する、駆け落ちする、追い払う、追い出す、立ち去らせる
    He ran off with the money. 彼はお金を持って逃走した。
    {句動-2} : ~から流れ去る、はみ出る、流れ出る、流出{りゅうしゅつ}する、流れ落ちる、流し出す+もっと...


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. where the hell do you run off to every morning anyway ?
    毎朝 どこに行ってるんだ?
  2. you can't just say something like that and run off .
    言うだけ言って 逃げないでよ!
  3. decided to run off and get a job in paris , right ?
    兄さんが 勝手に パリで就職決めたから
  4. hey , is he ready yet ?! he didn't run off , did he ?!
  5. since howard disappeared , i've been run off my feet .
    ハワードがいないので 私が承ります



  1. "run of the market" 意味
  2. "run of the mill" 意味
  3. "run of the mine" 意味
  4. "run of the money market" 意味
  5. "run of trout" 意味
  6. "run off a rechargeable battery and gasoline" 意味
  7. "run off as fast as one can" 意味
  8. "run off as hard as one can to" 意味
  9. "run off at a tangent" 意味
  10. "run of the money market" 意味
  11. "run of trout" 意味
  12. "run off a rechargeable battery and gasoline" 意味
  13. "run off as fast as one can" 意味

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