- 車を停車{ていしゃ}させるために道路{どうろ}に飛び出す
run out into the road to flag down a car 意味
- "run out" 意味
- "run out at" 意味
- "run out at the end of the month" 意味
- "run out cursing into the rain" 意味
- "run out from a side road" 意味
- "run out into the street" 意味
- "run out into the street in one's birthday suit" 意味
- "run out of" 意味
- "run out of adjectives to describe" 意味
- "run out cursing into the rain" 意味
- "run out from a side road" 意味
- "run out into the street" 意味
- "run out into the street in one's birthday suit" 意味