seriously inconvenienced 意味

  • 《be ~》大幅に足が乱れる


        inconvenienced:    {形} : 不便{ふべん}を感じた、迷惑{めいわく}した -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《be ~》不便を感じる、迷惑する
        chemically inconvenienced:    酔っぱらった(drunk)◆【直訳】化学的に不自由な
        feel inconvenienced:    不便な思いをする
        inconvenienced by this schedule:    《be ~》このスケジュールでは都合が悪い
        optically inconvenienced:    視覚障害{しかく しょうがい}の
        terminally inconvenienced:    死ぬ◆差別的な表現を避けるために考案された political correctness の一例
        seriously:    seriously 冗談抜き じょうだんぬき 沁み沁みと しみじみと
        terribly sorry to have inconvenienced:    《be ~》(人)に迷惑{めいわく}をかけて非常{ひじょう}に申し訳なく思う
        affirm seriously:    本気{ほんき}で主張{しゅちょう}する
        attend seriously:    真剣{しんけん}に取り組む
        be seriously ill:    be seriously ill 病が篤い やまいがあつい
        date seriously:    真剣{しんけん}なお付き合いをする◆男女関係
        fail seriously to:    本気{ほんき}になって~しない
        fall seriously:    がた落ちする
        half seriously:    幾分本気{いくぶん ほんき}で -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} :


  1. "seriously impact the developing world" 意味
  2. "seriously impact the lives of the people" 意味
  3. "seriously impair one's health" 意味
  4. "seriously impair the functioning of the body" 意味
  5. "seriously impair the passage of intestinal contents" 意味
  6. "seriously influence the fate of the future world" 意味
  7. "seriously infringe upon the human rights of children" 意味
  8. "seriously injured" 意味
  9. "seriously injured person" 意味
  10. "seriously impair the functioning of the body" 意味
  11. "seriously impair the passage of intestinal contents" 意味
  12. "seriously influence the fate of the future world" 意味
  13. "seriously infringe upon the human rights of children" 意味

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