shipping 意味

発音記号: [ 'ʃipiŋ ]発音を聞く   shippingの例文


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. thinks of shipping as an oldfashioned industry
    海上輸送を古くさい産業だと 思っているでしょう
  2. into one of the biggest shipping companies in the world .
    世界最大の 海運会社の
  3. and pretty soon , they began shipping that coal
    彼らは すぐに石炭を運び出すようになります
  4. i took this photo of one of the shipping containers .
  5. shipping has quadrupled in size since 1970 .
    海上輸送は1970年以来 4倍の規模になりました



  1. "shipper's letter of guarantee countersigned by" 意味
  2. "shipper's usance" 意味
  3. "shipper-receiver difference" 意味
  4. "shippers' association" 意味
  5. "shippers' export declaration" 意味
  6. "shipping act" 意味
  7. "shipping address" 意味
  8. "shipping advice" 意味
  9. "shipping advice note" 意味
  10. "shippers' association" 意味
  11. "shippers' export declaration" 意味
  12. "shipping act" 意味
  13. "shipping address" 意味

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