shogi game with the superior player playing without the kaku
shogi game with the superior player playing without the kaku
(playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc.
: (playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc. 対局 たいきょく
shogi player
: shogi player 将棋指し しょうぎさし 棋士 きし
board used for playing shogi
: board used for playing shogi 将棋盤 しょうぎばん
black player (shogi)
: black player (shogi) 先手 せんて
king (for senior player) (shogi)
: king (for senior player) (shogi) 王将 おうしょう 王 おう
poor shogi player
: へぼ棋士{きし}
professional shogi player
: 《囲碁》棋士
shogi or go player
: shogi or go player 棋客 きかく ききゃく
white player (shogi)
: white player (shogi) 後手 ごて
one's style of playing shogi or go
: one's style of playing shogi or go 棋風 きふう
game player
: ゲームをする人
player (in game)
: player (in game) 選手 せんしゅ
play a poor game of shogi
: へぼ将棋を指す
quick game of shogi
: quick game of shogi 早指し はやざし
unfinished game of shogi
: unfinished game of shogi 指し掛け さしかけ
"shogakukan, inc." 意味
"shogging" 意味
"shogi (go) hall" 意味
"shogi board" 意味
"shogi circles" 意味
"shogi mating problem" 意味
"shogi or go player" 意味
"shogi pieces" 意味
"shogi player" 意味
"shogi board" 意味
"shogi circles" 意味
"shogi mating problem" 意味
"shogi or go player" 意味
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