shovel shaped incisor 意味

  • <→SHOVEL-SHAPED incisor>


        shovel-shaped incisor:    ショベル状切歯{じょう せっし}
        incisor:     incisor n. 切歯. 【形容詞 名詞+】 central incisors 中切歯 Rabbits have prominent incisors. 兎の門歯は突きでている upper incisors 上切歯.
        shovel:     1shovel n. スコップ, シャベル. 【動詞+】 sink a shovel into the ground シャベルを地面に突き刺す. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a mechanical shovel 掘削機 a power shovel パワーシャベル a snow shovel 雪かき用シャベル a steam sho
        shovel in:    {句動-1} : (ショベルで)すくって入れる、放り込む、投げ込む、つぎ込む -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (食べ物を口に)かっ込む、ガツガツ食べる -----------------------------------------------
        shovel into:    {句動-1} : (ショベルで)すくって入れる、放り込む、投げ込む、つぎ込む -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (食べ物を口に)かっ込む、ガツガツ食べる -----------------------------------------------
        central incisor:    中切歯{ちゅう せっし}
        incisor canal:    切歯管{せっしかん}
        incisor crest:    incisor crest 切歯稜[医生]
        incisor eruption:    切歯萌出{せっし ほうしゅつ}
        incisor foramen:    切歯孔{せっしこう}
        incisor fossa:    切歯窩{せっしか}
        incisor tooth:    切歯{せっし}、門歯{もんし}
        lateral incisor:    側切歯{そくせっし}
        lower incisor:    下顎切歯{かがく せっし}
        mandibular incisor:    下顎切歯{かがく せっし}


  1. "shovel out" 意味
  2. "shovel packing" 意味
  3. "shovel plow" 意味
  4. "shovel salt onto an icy road" 意味
  5. "shovel sand into a wheelbarrow" 意味
  6. "shovel shit" 意味
  7. "shovel snow away from a driveway" 意味
  8. "shovel snow from the pavement" 意味
  9. "shovel snow off the steps" 意味
  10. "shovel salt onto an icy road" 意味
  11. "shovel sand into a wheelbarrow" 意味
  12. "shovel shit" 意味
  13. "shovel snow away from a driveway" 意味

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