- 1smoke n. 煙; (たばこの)一服.【動詞+】+もっと...【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【+前置詞】
- smoke from a volcano
2smoke v. たばこを吸う; 煙を出す; 煙でいぶす.【副詞1】【副詞2】【+前置詞】【+補】- You will smoke yourself sick.
smoke screen n. 煙幕, 偽装, カモフラージュ.【動詞+】- people who put up a smoke screen of bluff good humor to disguise their intentions
【前置詞+】【雑】- That's simply a smoke screen; don't be deceived.
あれは煙幕にすぎない. だまされるなよ.
- smoke from a volcano
smoke 意味
- 1smoke n. 煙; (たばこの)一服.【動詞+】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- tear gas , smoke . hippie control . you're tough .
催涙ガス、スモーク、デモ隊もいちころ! - tear gas , smoke . hippie control . you're tough .
催涙ガス、スモーク、デモ隊もいちころ! - officer , is it , um , illegal to smoke in here ?
刑事さん タバコ吸っても 良いかしら? - whoever it is fighting under that smoke signal ...
あの煙弾の下で 誰かが 戦ってるのか - the proof went up in smoke with raccoon city .