meitei eloquently lectured on the art of soba eating and swallowed soba with a condiment of hot wasabi , tears his eyes , adhering to his idea of stylishness which seemed a bit like snobbish affectation , but compared with meitei ' s being a passionate stickler about soba , the impression of udon , with the dyspeptic kushami sensei being the ' udon lover ,' seems relatively unexciting . 蕎麦食いの講釈をとうとうと垂れ、薬味のワサビの辛さに涙しつつやせ我慢で耐えて蕎麦を呑み込む迷亭のいささか俗物的な面も否めない粋へのこだわりぶりに比べ、胃弱症の苦沙弥先生が「うどん好き」であることで、うどんの印象は相対的に冴えないものとなる。