snobbish affectation 意味

  • 俗物的な気取り{きどり}


  1. meitei eloquently lectured on the art of soba eating and swallowed soba with a condiment of hot wasabi , tears his eyes , adhering to his idea of stylishness which seemed a bit like snobbish affectation , but compared with meitei ' s being a passionate stickler about soba , the impression of udon , with the dyspeptic kushami sensei being the ' udon lover ,' seems relatively unexciting .


        snobbish:    {形} : 俗物{ぞくぶつ}(根性{こんじょう})の、上にへつらい下に威張る、紳士気取りの、お高くとまった、鼻持ちならない、きざな、きざっぽい -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【@】スノビッシュ、【分節】snob?bish
        affectation:     affectation n. 気取り; 見せかけること. 【動詞+】 make an affectation of one's learning 学識豊かであると見せかける. 【+動詞】 His affectation of concern deceived everybody. 彼の心配しているふりにだれもがだまされた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a fo
        snobbish attitude:    きざな態度
        snobbish mannerism:    上品{じょうひん}ぶったわざとらしさ
        snobbish superiority:    鼻持ちならない優越感{ゆうえつかん}
        affectation of innocence:    純真なふり
        affectation of kindness:    うわべだけの親切{しんせつ}、わざとらしい親切{しんせつ}
        affectation of sincerity:    正直{しょうじき}を装うこと
        foppish affectation:    にやけた気取り{きどり}
        ridiculous affectation:    こっけいな気取り{きどり}
        speak with affectation:    気取って話す
        to reek of affectation:    to reek of affectation 厭に振っている いやにぶっている
        without affectation:    気取らずに、気取らないで、率直に
        free from affectation:    《be ~》気取らない
        quite without affectation:    《be ~》気取りが少しもない


  1. "snob effect" 意味
  2. "snob zoning" 意味
  3. "snobbery" 意味
  4. "snobbier" 意味
  5. "snobbish" 意味
  6. "snobbish attitude" 意味
  7. "snobbish mannerism" 意味
  8. "snobbish superiority" 意味
  9. "snobbishly" 意味
  10. "snobbier" 意味
  11. "snobbish" 意味
  12. "snobbish attitude" 意味
  13. "snobbish mannerism" 意味

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