special committee on prices 意味

  • {組織} : 物価問題等に関する特別委員会



  1. "special committee on medical technology for reproductive treatment" 意味
  2. "special committee on non-prescription drugs" 意味
  3. "special committee on nuclear engineering research and educational facilities in universities" 意味
  4. "special committee on okinawa and northern problems" 意味
  5. "special committee on paperless entry" 意味
  6. "special committee on relocation of the national diet and related organizations" 意味
  7. "special committee on safety of drugs" 意味
  8. "special committee on science and technology" 意味
  9. "special committee on security" 意味
  10. "special committee on okinawa and northern problems" 意味
  11. "special committee on paperless entry" 意味
  12. "special committee on relocation of the national diet and related organizations" 意味
  13. "special committee on safety of drugs" 意味

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