- 《start a [the, one's] day (off) with a good breakfast》おいしい朝食{ちょうしょく}で一日{いちにち}を始める[開始{かいし}する?スタートさせる?始動{しどう}させる]
start day with good breakfast 意味
- "start day reading newspaper" 意味
- "start day with" 意味
- "start day with cup of coffee" 意味
- "start day with cup of tea" 意味
- "start day with exercise" 意味
- "start dealings" 意味
- "start debate on a comprehensive antiterrorism treaty" 意味
- "start deliberating on the bills" 意味
- "start detector" 意味
- "start day with cup of tea" 意味
- "start day with exercise" 意味
- "start dealings" 意味
- "start debate on a comprehensive antiterrorism treaty" 意味