stealing home (baseball) 意味

  • stealing home (baseball)


        stealing home in baseball (lit: home steal):    stealing home in baseball (lit: home steal) ホームスチール
        stealing home:    ホーム?スチール
        base stealing (baseball):    base stealing (baseball) 盗塁 とうるい
        home of baseball:    野球の家、野球の殿堂◆野球の殿堂は(National) Baseball Hall of Fame (and Museum)。
        (baseball) reaching the home plate:    (baseball) reaching the home plate 生還 せいかん
        home run (baseball):    home run (baseball) 本塁打 ほんるいだ
        running home run (baseball):    running home run (baseball) ランニングホームラン
        stealing:     stealing n. 盗むこと, 窃盗. 【動詞+】 When did you begin stealing? いつから盗みをするようになったのか He was unable to stop the stealing in his store. 彼は, 自分の店で行なわれている盗みを止めることができなかった He is unable to stop st
        stealing (into):    stealing (into) 忍び しのび
        game-ending home run (baseball):    game-ending home run (baseball) さよならホームラン さようならホームラン
        goal reached (lit: home in) (baseball):    goal reached (lit: home in) (baseball) ホームイン
        baseball:     baseball n. 野球; 野球ボール. 【動詞+】 play baseball 野球をする throw a baseball 野球ボールを投げる watch baseball on TV テレビで野球を観戦する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 Little League baseball 少年野球 play major-leagu
        into baseball:    《be ~》野球{やきゅう}ファンになる
        act of stealing:    盗取行為{とうしゅ こうい}
        baby stealing:    赤ん坊泥棒


  1. "stealing as a business has poor profits" 意味
  2. "stealing as a livelihood" 意味
  3. "stealing beauty" 意味
  4. "stealing electricity" 意味
  5. "stealing home" 意味
  6. "stealing home in baseball (lit: home steal)" 意味
  7. "stealth" 意味
  8. "stealth aircraft" 意味
  9. "stealth attack" 意味
  10. "stealing electricity" 意味
  11. "stealing home" 意味
  12. "stealing home in baseball (lit: home steal)" 意味
  13. "stealth" 意味

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