- そのような存在{そんざい}
such a being 意味
- "sucessive or progressive increases" 意味
- "such" 意味
- "such a as b" 意味
- "such a beautiful girl does not grow on every hedge" 意味
- "such a beautiful picture" 意味
- "such a big deal in someone's life" 意味
- "such a boat is fit only for a calm sea" 意味
- "such a book as this" 意味
- "such a character is rarely to be met with outside the pages of pickwick papers" 意味
- "such a beautiful girl does not grow on every hedge" 意味
- "such a beautiful picture" 意味
- "such a big deal in someone's life" 意味
- "such a boat is fit only for a calm sea" 意味