take hours to climb to the podium to vote 意味

  • (国会{こっかい}で)牛歩戦術{ぎゅうほ せんじゅつ}をする


        take the podium:    演説{えんぜつ}を始める、指揮台{しきだい}に立つ
        take a vote:    採決を行う、決を採る、可否を投票で決する、採決する、票決する、投票に付する、多数決で決める◆【同】vote (on) Let's take a vote on it. We took a vote on Bob's replacement.
        take a vote on:    ~について採決を行う、~の決を採る、~の可否を投票で決する、~を採決する、~を票決する、~を投票に付する、~を多数決で決める◆【同】vote (on) Let's take a vote on it. We took a vote on Bob's replacement.
        to take a vote:    to take a vote 決を採る けつをとる
        at the podium:    演壇{えんだん}で
        podium:     podium n. 指揮台, 演壇. 【前置詞+】 The conductor looked down from the podium at his orchestra. 指揮者は指揮台からオーケストラを見下ろした The speaker was on the podium for three hours. 弁士は 3 時間壇上でしゃべり続けた.
        make a motion to take a vote:    採決の動議を出す
        take a confidence vote:    信任を表決する
        take a rising vote:    起立投票にかける
        take a vote count:    可否{かひ}を問う
        take a vote on a bill:    議案{ぎあん}を票決{ひょうけつ}する
        take a vote on a motion:    動議に対して採決をする
        take a vote on a subject:    議題{ぎだい}の決を取る
        take no vote on whether to ban:    ~を禁止{きんし}するか否かの票決{ひょうけつ}は行わない
        take part in a vote:    投票に参加する


  1. "take home wages" 意味
  2. "take honors" 意味
  3. "take hormone injections for several days" 意味
  4. "take hostages" 意味
  5. "take hourly readings of his temperature. 1" 意味
  6. "take hours to download" 意味
  7. "take huge amounts of japanese oda for granted" 意味
  8. "take huge amounts of venture capital" 意味
  9. "take huge chances" 意味
  10. "take hostages" 意味
  11. "take hourly readings of his temperature. 1" 意味
  12. "take hours to download" 意味
  13. "take huge amounts of japanese oda for granted" 意味

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