she is said to have been an outstandingly talented woman . 大変な才女であったという。
she was known as a talented woman who wrote " shoin nikki (azuma genji )." 「松蔭日記(東源氏)」を著わした才媛として知られる。
in " sonpi bunmyaku " (a text compiled in the 14th century that records the lineages of the aristocracy ), she was called one of three beautiful women of imperial reigns and declared a talented woman . 『尊卑分脈』では本朝三美人の一人と称され、才媛とうたわれた。
following the marriage , oteu changed her real name to orise after her biological mother ' s name; she was quite a talented woman with an incredible memory , she didn ' t forget anything she had read once , and could answer any question about her father ' s works with no difficulty . 婚姻後に実母の名を継ぐことになる妻の織瀬は、中々の才女でありまして、一度目に通したものは、すべて諳んじ父篤胤の著述については、何を尋ねてもすらすら答えることが出来たと言う。
in addition to the severe criticism made by murasaki shikibu , the influence of medieval thought that the talented woman became unhappy was such that many anecdotes of sei shonagon ' s reduced circumstances were written in " mumyozoshi " (story without a name ), " kojidan " (collection of folk literature ), " kokon chomonju " (collection of folk literature ), etc ., during the kamakura period . 紫式部の酷評に加え、女の才はかえって不幸を招くという中世的な思想が影響し、鎌倉時代に書かれた『無名草子』『古事談』『古今著聞集』などには清少納言の落魄説話が満載された。