talented woman 意味

発音を聞く:   talented womanの例文
  • talented woman


  1. she is said to have been an outstandingly talented woman .
  2. she was known as a talented woman who wrote " shoin nikki (azuma genji )."
  3. in " sonpi bunmyaku " (a text compiled in the 14th century that records the lineages of the aristocracy ), she was called one of three beautiful women of imperial reigns and declared a talented woman .
  4. following the marriage , oteu changed her real name to orise after her biological mother ' s name; she was quite a talented woman with an incredible memory , she didn ' t forget anything she had read once , and could answer any question about her father ' s works with no difficulty .
  5. in addition to the severe criticism made by murasaki shikibu , the influence of medieval thought that the talented woman became unhappy was such that many anecdotes of sei shonagon ' s reduced circumstances were written in " mumyozoshi " (story without a name ), " kojidan " (collection of folk literature ), " kokon chomonju " (collection of folk literature ), etc ., during the kamakura period .


        talented:     talented adj. 才能のある, 有能な. 【副詞】 You're enormously talented. 君には大きな才能がある He is not talented enough to get a job as a professional musician. プロの音楽家になれるほどの才能はない an exceptionally talen
        beautifully talented:    とても才能{さいのう}のある
        highly talented:    《be ~》非常{ひじょう}に才能{さいのう}がある
        intellectually talented:    知的才能{ちてき さいのう}を有した
        modestly talented:    《be ~》まあまあの才能{さいのう}がある
        musically talented:    《be ~》音楽的{おんがくてき}な才能{さいのう}がある
        talented actor:    才能{さいのう}ある役者{やくしゃ}
        talented architect:    才能{さいのう}のある建築家{けんちくか}
        talented entertainer:    才能{さいのう}のある芸人{げいにん}
        talented in sports:    《be ~》スポーツの才能{さいのう}がある、運動神経{うんどう しんけい}が優れている
        talented individual:    talented individual 器量人 きりょうじん
        talented man:    talented man 才子 さいし 人物 じんぶつ
        talented musician:    才能{さいのう}ある音楽家{おんがくか}
        talented organist:    優れたオルガン奏者
        talented people:    才能がある人々


  1. "talented singer" 意味
  2. "talented staff" 意味
  3. "talented sumo wrestler" 意味
  4. "talented tenth" 意味
  5. "talented users" 意味
  6. "talented writer" 意味
  7. "talented young author" 意味
  8. "talented young man expected to become successful" 意味
  9. "talented youngster" 意味
  10. "talented tenth" 意味
  11. "talented users" 意味
  12. "talented writer" 意味
  13. "talented young author" 意味

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